The clothes that we wear follow a specific template. What we wear on our upper body usually consists of a shirt and a jacket. On our lower body, we tend to wear shorts, pants, and dresses. This is a simple...
As a student and a future developer, it is important for to find many solutions to different problems. HTML and CSS are important steps to learn when learning the basics. As one gets better and more comfortable with the language,...
In my freshmen year when I first started learning Java in ICS 111, I was given a simple “guide” of coding standards. This includes capitalizing the second word’s first letter when making function or variables, indenting formats, etc. I agree...
From doing simple math and writing three sentence paragraphs to doing Calculus and analyzing Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, we are taught that results matter. At the end of the day, teachers give you a grade whether you have the correct answer....
When it came to spoken languages such as Chinese or Japaneses, I was always very proficient in them as I would memorize the new vocabulary and be able to ace tests that way. However, when it comes to coding languages...
As a ICS major going into the spring of my sophomore year, my programming skills are not up to par compared to the rest of my peers. During the course of this semester I want to improve my programming and...