The clothes that we wear follow a specific template. What we wear on our upper body usually consists of a shirt and a jacket. On our lower body, we tend to wear shorts, pants, and dresses. This is a simple template that people can reuse over and over. Others can use this template and incorporate into their own style known as “fashion”. We as a society have evolved far from this bland look and came up with numerous designs that people could branch their ideas off of. They create their own designs and proceed to deliver a final piece that properly follows the right pattern properties.
Design patterns are the clothes that we wear every day. The style that we choose, the clothing we buy, can be used in many situations in our life. Clothing can be adapted where certain things can be added or removed. In recent culture, it seems that having less clothing seems to be the trend now. As time goes on it seems that clothing is becoming more “simple” as people don’t have the time to spend looking at their closet for clothing. The same with software engineering, programmers would like to have a simple design that they can work efficiently with. Then they can later build off of the product and improve it. By adding more functionality to a program is like adding certain aspects to your outfit such as earrings, necklaces, shades, watches, etc. If one does not like the final product of their creation, they can start over with the same template and build off from there. By having an efficient starting point, one can share that design then branch it off to other creating initial “copies” of a design that later pivots to become a different app.
In software engineering. there are many design patterns that developers can choose from. For the final project, my design pattern was based off on bowlfolios. This design pattern got me started with an initial template of a login/register system using meteor. Then I had to incorporate my project’s idea into this design pattern. This template was also used by the rest of my classmates as a starting point for their project. An example of a design pattern I used is singleton where I created an instance of profiles that was called and exported all over my project. Most of the design patterns in bowlfoilios I was able to replicate it in my project as I also used meteor to route my pages and layouts. I also was able to create a database and check the collections of the database and update it accordingly with user accounts. This form of design pattern is front controller allowing me to have one point where I can access all the data.