LoL Racer

This was my first ICS 111 coding project that really got me interested in ICS. This is an indiviudal project where I had to create a racing game where my character would be up against two or more other charcaters that is controlled by the program. I would have to make this project using EZ functions (functions developed by Professor Leigh) to make a background, a countdown, and character creation.

The goal of this game is click keys “A” and “D” (A and then D or D and then A, not at the same time) as fast as possible to move across the screen. The game starts as soon as you hear the announcer start the countdown, the “leader” will be updated once a new leader has taken first place. The only speed that is constant is your own, the speed of how fast you click keys “A” and “D”. The speed of the other two characters are random speeds (5-10 pixels) determined by a random number generator.
